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Covid-19 opens the door of Technology in Education

 A bug of virus called covid-19 locked down the entire  world overnight and a social animal 'man' got isolated in the home. In the high time of quarantine, It is technology that has connected humans with each other. So many things have changed, traditions have been broken and something noval arrived in our beliefs.  Almost all the fields started work from home using internet and computer technology. Education also got linked and the teachers tried to be networked with their students. The emerging concept of online teaching-learning got viral in a moment which forced the tradition of teaching to be replaced by technology in teaching. 

The country like India where educational technology is in the first phase, it is difficult to imagine possibilities of online education but this epidemic period introduced its scope in India too. Overnight the teachers started using online platforms and got connected with their students. Some tried to complete syllabus, somewhere revision made available while someone assessed their students by online quiz. The terms like recorded videos, online quiz, e-content, digital board, virtual classroom, webinars and online meetings entered in Indian education system.  The platforms like ZOOM and MEET became as familiar as a real classroom. Almost all teachers and students have experienced benefits of technology in teaching and learning.

It was pre-covid era when we used to believe that Indian education is ways away from online technology, but now it is the time we should accept that we can also step into technology based teaching-learning. The concept of online education is full of benefits and drawbacks but it can give quality output in higher education and faculty development programs. It is right time to decide the support of technology in our teaching so that it can be interactive and effective as well. After all we are in 21st century where technology is more a boon and less a curse.


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