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MOOCs--my experience

Technology has opened the doors of learning from anywhere and anytime. Self learning and collaborative learning have got its wide range due to the global network provided by the internet. MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) is such an educational platform which has collapsed all the walls standing against sharing, learning and collaborating the ideas. It is an online course which can be attended by anyone from anywhere anytime. Generally offered on a specific website ( is one of them) and joined by the different learners from different countries. In short it is a global platform of learning and sharing.
                              My first experience of joining a MOOC was at It was 'shaping the way we teach English'. Later, it was very interesting to join another named ' Web 2.0 tools in Education' and then 'Blended learning: getting started' on 
                              After completing about four MOOCS, It was realized that it is an interactive way of learning and sharing the concept. It happens to meet (virtually) different classmates from the different countries. We come to know about their educational system and thoughts. MOOCs have well planned mechanism. It facilitates a chain of learning step by step. Generally the learners are suggested to complete the course divided into weeks. For that, course content is presented in text and videos lessons followed by a quiz and other evaluation methods. Almost all the MOOCS provide a special 'Discussion Forum' where the learners can discuss their thoughts, questions, ideas and beliefs. 
The learner achieves a certificate on completion of the course. 
                                 The best part of MOOCS is variety in subject. There are so many courses available on different subjects handled by tutors from by different universities of the world. Anyone who is interested in updating himself in learning must join such MOOCS. It is indeed a novelty in ways of learning. SO far as teachers are concerned, they must attend MOOCS to interact with others fromthe world wide. MOOCS  realy updates, improves and enriches the experience of learning.

My certificates of MOOCs.


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