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'Facilitator'-Role of 21st centuryTeachers

Education is a key to unlock the development of  human being. It develops human thoughts, morals and ideas and expands them up to the entire world. It helps to hand over the ideas to the coming generations as well. In this process of transformation, teacher and students are the most significant parts. It is said that students get shape as their teacher mold them. In fact, it is doubtful to say so in the 21st century where technology and self learning are at the pick yet the role of a teacher is not less than that of a mason who arranges the bricks in such a way that the building can stand for long against any odds.
                             It is said that Time is a great transformer. If it can change the stream of a river then who are we to pause it for our own and traditional beliefs. One must walk with the time else the Time can run over anybody. So, in this fast forwarding time of 21st century what is the role of a teacher is a point to ponder. Once upon a time we had Gurus in the Ashrams who used to shape their disciples by living with them. Then, the time gave us Cultivators who cultivated students by staying with them. Both of them shared their life lessons and lived what they preached. Later, Teachers tended to teach using some content in a building. It was their personal choice whether to live their teaching or not. Teacher is not a far behind concept. It is still in a fashion in the 21st century. Looking at the 21st century skills and requirements, it is a question whether only 'Teaching' can work or not. The era where students are techno savvy and smart like gadgets, a teacher has to rethink his ideas and method of dealing with students. The modern era invites Teacher to be a good 'Facilitator' who can facilitate the learning for their students. The facilitator has to create learning environment in which the learner can feel his requirements and interest. In being a Facilitator, the teacher has to update himself to update others. Technology is the most helpful weapon for teachers to be a Facilitator. H/she can arrange ideas using different programs, apps or web-tools which creates interactive and live atmosphere for learning. After all, Time has transformed everything outside the classroom so the teacher has to change everything inside including his thoughts and attitudes.
          Being a facilitator, one has to be well prepared and updated in front of the new generation. The biggest responsibility is to provide a learningful atmosphere in which student can acquire any skill. A facilitator cannot be merely a transmitter of information. One has to focus on value education and development of skills among the students. The techno friendly generation has to be taught the usage of technology for survival, not for disturbance and destructions. A teacher   as a facilitator has  to facilitate the learning platform on which a student can think, reason, communicate, observe, analyze and apply ideas for being a good citizen. It is the biggest service to the society. So lets be a facilitator than a teacher because 21st century generation doesn’t need ‘teaching’. They just need a gentle push towards learning opportunities. Once they get, they will grab the rest of things.

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